The Life of Blessed Mary of the Passion

1839, May 21

Her Birth

Hélène Marie Philippine de Chappotin de Neuville was born into a noble Christian family.

She showed from childhood eminent natural gifts and a deep faith.

1856, April 3

The Call

During a retreat, she first experienced a call from God to a life of total consecration. The unforeseen death of her mother delayed its realisation.

“During the Benediction I was totally overcome by the words, ‘I shall always love you more than you will ever love me’ and then the sight of his beauty… I was now on fire with the love of God, a love totally sincere and without limit. I sought only for Him; I would have counted no cost to please Him…”

1860 December 9

Entrance to the Poor Clares

With the consent of the Bishop of Nantes, she entered the Poor Clares whose ideal of the simplicity and poverty of Saint Francis attracted her.

1861 January 23

A Profound Experience

While still a postulant, she had a profound experience of God who invited her to offer herself as a victim for the Church and the Pope. This experience marked her for life. A short time after, having become seriously ill, she had to leave the monastery.

“I was dying of sorrow to be in the world, but I loved the good God so much,

I was so united to Him that this consoled me.”

1864 Mar. 1

Applied to the Society of Mary Reparatrice

In obedience to Fr. Petit, Helen sought admission to the Society of Mary Reparatrice

1864 May 16

Entry into the Society of Mary Reparatrice

“My soul was still grieving over the memory of my beloved Poor Clares.”
Helen became familiar with Ignatian spirituality. Above all she received a Eucharistic and Marian orientation.

1864 May 31

Postulant at the Novitiate in Toulouse

1864 Aug. 15

Investiture with the name Mary of the Passion

In his homily, Fr. Ginhac said: “You will carry into effect this beloved name, which God in his mercy is about to bestow on you: Mary of the Passion.”

“When I was given the name of Mary of the Passion, I was pierced through and through by this wondrous word ‘Ecce’.  It sums up the self-offering of Mary and the agony of Jesus: ‘Here am I’.  And ‘here am I’ to be Mary of the Passion.  I wish to be of the small number of those who truly love Jesus Crucified.  Passion of Jesus, passion of Mary, penetrate my heart.”  (This was the first occasion of union with the Ancilla Domini).

1865 March 5

Sent to the mission in Madurai (India)

While still a novice, she was sent to India, to the Apostolic Vicariate of Madurai, confided to the Society of Jesus. The Reparatrice sisters there had the task of formation of sisters of an autochthonous congregation as well as being involved in other apostolic activities.

Mary of Jesus simply said to Mary of the Passion: “Passion, I am disposing of you.” Mary of the Passion, faithful to the voice of obedience said: “I will go wherever you send me.”

1865 April 23

Mary of the Passion arrived in Trichinopoly (India)

She was entrusted with the special charge of the local sisters.

1866 May 3

Pronouncement of her temporary vows

The gift she asked for and obtained on this day was love for Mary.

1866 August 5

Made local superior of Tuticorin.

She undertook her task with the humility and serenity characteristic of those whom God has prepared, and whose interior life is marked by fruitfulness.

1867 July 9

Named Superior Provincial of the Madurai Mission

“I have spent my life in the shadow of Nazareth.”  Like Mary she wished only to love Jesus, to serve him and to give him to the world.

1871 January 15

Perpetual Profession of Mary of the Passion.

(renewal of her offering for the Church and the Pope)

 “I offered myself to God to break Peter’s chains, and I persuaded my daughters to offer me, too, for the same purpose.”

1873 -1876:
Trials and struggles in Trichinopoly, and the deposition as Provincial

Mary of the Passion who desired true charity suffered bitterly. Even her faith was strongly put to the test. Moreover, her health had become more fragile.

1874 December 10

Foundation in Ootacamund

A new house was founded in Ootacamund in the Vicariate of Coimbatore, under the jurisdiction of the Vicar Apostolic of Coimbatore, Monsignor Joseph Bardou MEP.


1875 February 12

Mary of the Passion left Trichinopoly for Ootacamund. She stayed there up to November 1876.


1876 February

Mary of the Passion was asked unexpectedly to resign from her charge as provincial. She remained perfectly calm, suffering only in seeing the dismay of her sisters.


1876 June

Twenty out of 33 Reparatrix sisters in India left the society.
Mary of the Passion and her sisters were in a dilemma: either they must accept certain conditions, to them arbitrary and against their conscience, or leave the Congregation of Mary Reparatrix.

1876 November 22

Journey to ROME

Mary of the Passion, with 3 companions left for Rome to clarify their situation by personal contact. Mary of the Passion begged her religious sisters earnestly to promise never to speak badly of those who were causing their suffering, no matter what happened.

1877 January 6

Foundation of the Institute of the Missionaries of Mary

Pius IX had decided on the foundation of a new Institute, with the name of Missionaries of Mary. He had approved a white habit for the sisters and they were authorized to found convents both in the Vicariate of Coimbatore and in any other diocese.

1882 July 25

Fr. Raphael Delarbe, OFM became the spiritual director of Mary of the Passion

1882 October 4

Profession of Mary of the Passion in the Third Order Franciscan

In the Church of Santa Maria Aracoeli, she was received into the Third Order of Saint Francis and thus began her relationship with the Servant of God, Fr. Bernardin de Portogruaro, Minister General, who with paternal solicitude would support her in her trials.

1883 March

Deposition again

Due to latent opposition, Mary of the Passion was deposed from her office of Superior of the Institute.


1884 July

Result of the Inquiry

After an inquiry ordered by Leo XIII, her innocence was fully acknowledged and at the Chapter of July 1884 she was re-elected as Superior General of the Institute.

1885 August 12

Laudatory Decree of the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

Decree approving the dependence on the Minister General of the Friars Minor of the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary


1896 May 11

Definitive approval of the Constitution


1896 December

General Chapter of the Institute

Re-election of Mary of the Passion as Superior General

1902 December 19

Last Audience with Leo XIII

Leo XIII who, laying his hands on the head of Mary of the Passion; said to her companions:

“I lay my hands upon her that she may accomplish the work of God.”

1903 Nov-Dec
Last General Chapter of the Institute presided by Mary of the Passion

1903 December 10

Audience granted by Pius X to Mary of the Passion on the occasion of the General Chapter


1904 November 3

Arrival of Mary of the Passion in San Remo

1904 November 10-15

Illness of Mary of the Passion; last confession and communion


1904 November 15

Death of Mary of the Passion at San Remo

Worn out by the fatigue of incessant journeys and daily labour, Mary of the Passion, after a brief illness, died peacefully in San Remo on 15th November 1904, leaving more than 2,000 religious and eighty-six houses scattered about the four continents. Her mortal remains repose in a private oratory of the General House of the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in Rome.

1918 February

In San Remo, the Informative Process was opened for the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of Mary of the Passion.


1979 January 19

Publication of the Decree for the Introduction of the Cause

After the Consultors had voted unanimously in its favour, the Decree for the Introduction of the Cause was published on 19th January 1979, with the approbation of His Holiness John Paul II.

1999 June 28

Promulgation of the Decree on the heroicity of the virtues

The Sovereign Pontiff John Paul II solemnly promulgated the Decree on the heroicity of the virtues of Mother Mary of the Passion

2002 October 20



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